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Location: Georgia, United States

I'm a single mother & grandmother, a country girl at heart, living in the North Georgia Mountains with two teenagers and my 125# puppy.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Just another update

WOW! What a week! I haven't had a week like this in years. There was lots of chaos at work. And on the way home one evening, an hysterical woman ran out in front of my car. I ran off the road to avoid hitting her only to find that she was screaming about an overturned vehicle and trapped woman up ahead of us. I, along with another ER nurse on his way to work, pulled the woman from the van and had a heck of a time with the scene while waiting for what seemed like forever for EMS and police to arrive.

And I'm supposed to avoid stress?!?! They could lock me in a room so stress couldn't find me and the building would catch on fire! I swear, trauma and chaos follows me almost as closely as Murphy's Law! ~sigh~

The freedom from my headache lasted until mid-morning on Wednesday. I slept SO GOOD Tuesday night after I finally fell asleep!! I ended up taking a benadryl capsule to try to knock the edge off the tinnitis because the ringing just doesn't seem to want to give! But once I fell asleep, I slept like a baby! :)

When the headache returned, it returned for about 24 hrs as a true headache, rather than a migraine. I can deal with that. But then the following night, the intensity started rising again. And I ended up getting up 4 times during the night to run to the bathroom for all the typical stomach flu symptoms. I really don't know if these symptoms were connected to the migraine, or just me coming down with a virus? But I go back to the chiropractor this morning. So I'm hoping I can get some relief at least for the rest of the weekend because I really need the rest! Next week, I have 2 doctors appointments and a couple of PT sessions. Hopefully, they won't make my neck sore.

I dropped by my dermatologist's office this week for my follow-up and have now been once again released from her care, for the THIRD flipping time this year! The biopsy came back negative for cancer. And this time it wasn't pre-cancer nor a mole. The biopsy showed a virus! I can't remember the name of it and had never heard of it before; but she said it's similar to a wart and nothing to worry about. I still have the "zapped" places that are still scaling and not completely healed yet, and had to have another "zapping" done, but she said I was good to go for one year unless I noticed anything new that concerned me before then :)

Work was a nightmare this week. Before it was over, I don't know who was in worse shape, the clients or the staff. We're all drained and exhausted! I don't think I had a single morning this week that my phones didn't start ringing before 7am; and the earliest I could get out of the building was around 7pm....until today. I packed it up and left at 4pm today because I couldn't take any more, couldn't even see straight, seriously! Around 3pm, everything turned blurry, I couldn't concentrate nor focus physically or emotionally. I felt like a zombie walking around my office trying to figure out what I was doing and where I should start next. I felt like I had been working several 20 hour shifts back to back and was ready to collapse.

I'm off to my appointment. I'll let y'all know how it goes.


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